• 杜克Duke球形玻璃材料


     级别:基准试剂  规格:15ml  含量:2 % 
     品牌:Duke杜克  型号:杜克标准粒子   


         本系列球型玻璃微珠可用作为分析、沉降和分离的模型材料。另外还可用于空隙间隔(如,液晶板之间)、绝缘体和光反射体。 玻璃微珠珠子的密度为2.5g/cm3,折射率是1.51@589nm波长。软化温度为720℃,在1khz20℃条件下的介电常数为7.3。包装为干燥材料。

    Ordering Information (Typical Data)?
    Catalog Number Quantity Catalog Number Quantity Size Range (um)
    414 2g 414B 10g 1-40
    424 100g 424B 500g 5-50
    443 2g 443B 10g 70-105
    428 10g 428B 50g 140-165
    429 10g 429B 50g 180-210
    Particle Composition Soda Lime Glass
    Appearance: White Powder
    Particle Size(s): Ranges within 1 to 230 um
    Microsphere Density: 2.5 g/cm
    Refractive Index: 1.51 @ 589 nm
    Softening Temperature: 720℃
    Dielectric Constant: 7.3 @ 1 kHz and 20 ?C
    Bottle Size(s): Varies
    Content: Soda Lime Glass Microspheres (Dry)
    Expiration Date:    24 months (from date of shipment)
    Additives: May contain trace dry dispersant
    Package Includes: Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
    Storage & Handling: Store at room temperature in a dry area. Store upright and keep bottle tightly sealed to avoid contamination. Respiratory protection from dust is recommended.
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